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Euclidean Space 

in Cantiere Oberdan, Spoleto, Italy


Running time: 40 min​

Video & Photos: Benjamin Esterlis

Choreography and installation design: Eden Wiseman

Dancers: Alma Maria Simon, Inbar Walter Kalfa & Eden Wiseman

Music: Rebonds B (1987-89) by Iannis Xenakis
Parts from Calla album (1999) and Low drums and guns Braeker (2021)

Costume design: Sara Wiseman & GROUND Movement fashion brand

Assistant director: Shai Cohen 

Artistic consultant: Shiri Sabach Teicher

Produce by LaMaMa Umbria Internasional & ZUT 

Supported by the Embassy of Israel in Rome

This project is a new version of the work “Xenakis 100,” a dance installation created for a museum space on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of architect and composer Iannis Xenakis.

The language of the work is visual-architectural, making use of iron beams, wooden blocks, silicone thread, reflectors, and explores varying degrees of tension/laxity in materials relative to the body’s tonus and location in space. The installation draws references to the architectural works, sketches, musical compositions and life story of Xenakis. 

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